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281 839 7949

Peripheral Artery Disease in Baytown


Peripheral arterial disease, or PAD, is a condition where the blood flow through the blood vessels in the body is impacted. It is referred to as a common progressive circulation disorder.

PAD is the result of obstruction in the arteries, which means they are too blocked off or weak to carry blood to certain parts of the body ñ including the arms, legs, stomach and kidneys

A patient may develop PAD because of atherosclerosis, an inflammatory condition that narrows the blood vessels. Since there is not enough blood supply to certain parts of the body, it can lead to further complications.

A patient who suffers from PAD is at a much higher risk of a heart attack, and general impairment of health. If the arteries in the legs are effected by the condition, it could give the patent problems when walking.

If a patient develops symptoms, coming in to see Dr. Sami for a checkup is a good idea. He can perform the tests needed to diagnose the condition. If you have PAD, he will sit down with you and your family to assess the options and inform you about the best course of treatment.


The good news with PAD is that it does carry quite a few symptoms, which can help a patient know when it is time to see a cardiologist. If a patient is suffering from excessive pain or cramping in their legs, thighs, calves or feet when they walk, it is a warning sign. Similarly, a weak or absent pulse in the legs is not a good sign.

Some patients will suffer sores and wounds on their toes or feet that heal very slowly, or will not heal at all. A paleness or blueness in the skin could become evident, while the temperature in one leg may be less than the other. If there is a lack of nail and hair growth on a personís legs and toes, it is also a sign of PAD.

It is understandable that patients could think some of these symptoms are harmless and not related to PAD. But it is always better to get a checkup with Dr. Sami to be sure, especially if you are 50 or older.

Diagnosis and Treatment Options:

The first thing Dr. Sami will do is perform some tests to determine whether PAD is an issue. A non-invasive test that is usually performed is the ankle brachial test. This compares the blood pressure in the arm and ankle.

He may also recommend an angiograph, where a special contrasting dye is injected into the arteries. X-rays are taken to see if any narrowing or blockages exist.

If PAD is diagnosed, medication is a good option to limit the symptoms.

But if medication is no longer working, interventional options include a percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (using a catheter to remove plaque), endarterectomy (surgical procedure to remove plaque) or bypass graft surgery (procedure that will redirect blood flow from around a blocked blood vessel through new pathways).

Dr. Sami a board certified cardiologist who has helped countless others with this condition ñ and his patients typically return to a normal life after treatment.

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